RISE Pad - Custom Android Tablet and Case

After designing the RISE Reader app, RISE brought out an even bigger challenge -- design a low-cost custom Android tablet that ships with a custom indestructible silicone case in a custom purple shaped for the small hands of young learners.

I began by heading back into the classroom. I studied the way kids interacted with tablets, where and how their hands gripped them, how they handled the weight, etc. Then, I went to a massive electronics market in Seoul and trying out dozens of tablets to compare features, size and cost. I chose the iPad Mini dimensions. Next, I created this mockup in Illustrator to get approval from the execs. With that, we knocked out the tablet and case designs in SolidWorks. Then, I went in search of a manufacturer. Once we had done a trial, we went into production. The finished tablets were then loaded with the RISE Reader and Proctor apps and shipped to schools all over the world.

Jon Racinskas
I'm a Creative Director & brand nerd. Enjoy my portfolio.
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