Garden Of Eden Landscape Website Build

Sprint Goal Stages
Understand - Define - Sketch - Decide - Prototype - Validate
User Centered Design Stages
Empathize - Define - Ideate - Prototype - Test

Background –
Garden of Eden landscapes is a landscaping company built by Ramiro. His family has lived in the Northwest for the last 13 years and has a strong background as a stone mason and professional landscaper. He seeks to continue to build high end landscaping projects with this new business venture after stepping away from his long-time employer.

Problem Statement –
Garden of Eden currently has no online web presence, all the jobs they are currently getting are from word of mouth. This site will aim to showcase projects that have been completed already. As well as the consultation process in addition to the services that they can offer clients.

Process –
Mood board
Low res mockups / wireframes
Art direction / design system
High res mocks

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