The Crockpot – Home Page
The Crockpot is a personal project of mine. It is based on a podcast idea that my Junior year roommates kicked around for a while. This imagined (for now) podcast is super laid back and casual. The concept for the name comes from the metaphor that discussion is like a Crockpot: ideas go in, they marinate, they develop a bit, and when they come out they are different. Each members' personality seeps in to create something new.
I took that name and combined it with the iconography of various types of fruit, each representing the various discussion topics. Why fruit — that's not something you really put into a Crock-pot? I thought it was goofy, which matches our personalities, so it's appropriate.
The website features four separate pages: Home (the image you see here), Listen (the archive of podcast episodes), Members (the main line-up, even though there are plenty of guests), and Contact (a place where listeners can submit discussion topics if they so desire).
The wonderful copy on these pages was written by the talented Erin Burrow!
More screens to come!