Diners.hr Pages
The old Diners web was just… well, old. It’s now a contemporary design we’ve reached through workshops with the client, preserving corporate identity while listening to them. A white foundation, some blue to connect with the Diners brand, some yellow for Call To Actions, voilà. There is now a set of content blocks available for site building, but with enough flexibility involved. Creating landing pages is easy, simple and efficient.
Design is built around the product - Diners credit card and accompanying app. With minimum distractions, the goal is to get the user to understand the product and convert. Basic useful facts, clean design with refined meaningful content and a CTA button to proceed. Did the trick.
D-tuesday is a day with special offers for Diners users. No major diversion from the basic design, it highlights the discounts and benefits with minimal clutter and maximum appeal.
Promotional page for the mobile app is as simple as it gets. Copy is straightforward and the key visual unmistakably conveys the message of ease of card management, and overall product simplicity.
Mobile is in focus, and focus on mobile we did. Again the overall simplicity of the desktop version translates well into mobile. The content is just about right in size and layout and offers the chance to buy without CTA-ing the life out of the user. It seems just about right.