Urban Jungle - Thoughts about what is going on

Dad, you told me about debts. That you can get easily caught in a deep void.
I listened to what you said, I promise. I managed avoiding debts until now, working until I have enough cash to get what I wanted.

And today, I contracted a 500 billion debt. Oh don’t worry, I am not alone. Probably 450 millions of European people will pay it off with me.

But do worry, cause we haven’t buy anything. A pandemic stroke the whole world. To prevent the virus to spread, everyone followed the governments instructions and stayed home for months. For months.

Obviously, because of these decisions, our economy system began to collapse.

The funny part of the story is that leaders of this world created billions and billions of euros and dollars to “save” everyone and everything. Yes, they created it. Coming from nowhere, this money is now here.

And guess what dad? We have to pay off with real money. Us. Civil servants, teachers, garbage collectors, scientists, butchers, salespeople, seamstresses, carpenters, masons, designers, NHS staff… The whole working class, employees and independents are gonna pay for that.

I’m not saying we don’t have to make an effort. But my feeling is to being tied to something I am completely not responsible. And that leaders are putting our lives and our freedom in danger even more than this virus.

I know things are not that easy. I don’t even know who is to blame. But I need to say it, dad. We’re screwed and I’m scared of what is coming.

More by Francois Dangotte

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