Ring of Fire - Logo
What a weird time to be alive.
Yesterday you work in one of the most prestigious agencies around and today you find yourself isolated and deprived of seeing your friends and family (in my specific case, since I live abroad).
We used to hang around all the time and play card games, sometimes even just to get pissed and have a laugh all together, that in fact hasn't changed, and we looked at each other thinking, we need to do this in this quarantine so we can still play together and enjoy this time. We are reclused to our homes we might as well make this a productive time of our lives.
So we wanted to create a digital version of a notorious card game, Ring of Fire, (also known as King's cup), in this way we can still videocall and play with the bonus of not completely destroying our card decks i guess.
I designed identity and UI, it was all pretty much straight forward, we had to deal with a few walls during development stage and we are still editing on the go, so I will keep you updated for a Beta version that will come out soon!!