
This might be a little on the nose, but Ecclesiastes 9:11 is the first (and most obvious lol) scripture for the word "endurance" for me. It also instantly put me in the mind of “The Tortoise and The Hare”. That whole story is about an arrogant hare who thought he had all the time in the world and a tortoise whose patience and resilience eventually caused him to meet his goal.

I also added a couple more fast and strong animals to really sell the point of the scripture. This is something that really blessed me. I’m the middle of this pandemic, it can be so easy to be discouraged. People are losing their norms , loved ones, jobs. Some even their faith. But I believe that if we can just hold on to our Hope, and keep our eyes fixated on something greater than our collective circumstances, regardless of how the odds might be stacked against us, we will make it. We will survive. We will win.

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