DAY 23 - Learn to Juggle

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For this week I chose unifying theme. What shall we do today with toilet paper? First of all I hope you have enough of this precious commodity in this hard time and if you have bit too much, let's enjoy some fun. - For today let's learn how to juggle. I have to say it's quite fun when you understand your hands coordination properly. Again toilet paper is probably not the most convenient object to train with but it's advantage is that all rolls are of same weight and volume. I am not gonna tell you how to do it, better to watch some YouTube tutorial, just one small tip from me. You will most probably fail and drop the rolls often at the beginning. So it's better to train above table, bed or any higher surface than floor is because you won't have to bend over each time to pick up your balls. And believe me you are gonna pick them up often. Let me know how is it going. - - If you can, stay home. If you have to go out, wear mask, keep 2 meters distance from others. Don't touch your face, wash your hands carefully. Call your relatives and friends. Help your elder neighbours if they need to but try to avoid any contact.

#Stayhome #stayhealthy #staypositive #staysane

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