Jakarta History Museum ( Jakarta, Indonesia )

Jakarta as the capital of the Republic of Indonesia certainly has a lot of very long history. Even to prehistoric times. This long journey of history can still be studied and enjoyed at the Fatahillah Museum.

The Fatahillah Museum is located in the Old City Area, or on Jalan Taman Fatahillah No. 2, West Jakarta. Here we can explore various historical relics of the city of Jakarta since prehistoric times, the heyday of the Sunda Kelapa Harbor, the colonial era, to the period after independence.

Initially, the Fatahillah Museum was a City Hall (Stadhuis) which was inaugurated by Governor General Abraham Van Riebeeck in 1710. Construction of the building itself began in the era of Governor General Jan Pieterszoon Coen in 1620. The unstable condition of Jakarta's land made the building plummeted, so some restoration was done.

This building had undergone several functional changes. Once a West Java Provincial Government Office (1925-1942), Dai Nippon logistics collection office (1942-1945), Military District Military Command headquarters 0503 West Jakarta (1952-1968). Only in 1968 was the building officially handed over to the DKI Jakarta Regional Government. Then it was inaugurated as the Jakarta History Museum on March 30, 1974 by the Governor of DKI Jakarta, Ali Sadikin.

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Pesona Indonesia

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