- It's Live
Yo Dribbblers,
How is it going? Good or what?
As always, we considere you as FVID (F*cking Very Important Dribbbler). And as a FVID, we are honored to present you our last product,
Made with my dream team, CodeNgo, we have a huge vision for this product. For now, you can use it to launch a video talk with your friends, clients, girlfriend (mmm...) or even people you wanna talk to from craiglist for example (byby the psycho with your skype ID).
All this without any login or download. No more Skype ID, no more Hangout impossible to find, be free.
All you have to do is send the link generated on the landing page to your mate, enter the room and smile :)
For now it only works on Google Chrome but Firefox is coming soon.
What are we waiting from you? Use it, enjoy it and give us your feedbacks. They're many differents usercase, do not hesitate to innovate and tell us about how and when you use . We used Uservoice to get your feedbacks. It kind of break the design but it's useful. Tell us everything !
So, let's go and start caatching. Go now on HTTP://CAATCH.ME.
Thx !
Credit : Thanks @Pixeden for this awesome icons