65th Anniversary Project of NGUYEN TRI PHUONG Church of Youth

65th Anniversary Project of NGUYEN TRI PHUONG Church of Youth [1954-2019] - Full Project on Behance: https://www.behance.net/gallery/95133381/65th-Anniversary-Project-of-NTP-Church-of-Youth - "For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light." Ephesians 5:8

In 2019, I had chance to involve in the 65th anniversary project of Nguyen Tri Phuong church of youth, in creative role, making logo and visual concept for the whole project. It’s been 10 years since the first time i started with the 55th anniversary, in 2009, then the 60th Anniversary in 2014, until now! It's been a journey of my whole youth! This time, I want to create something impactful to mark it well, to God.

Thank God for the precious chance, for the vibe and for the right time of my life, it’s been an interesting processing time! - Easter 2020 12.04.2020 Saigon. Vietnam

65th NTP Youth Anniversary - Behance 2020-11--Dribbble.png
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65th NTP Youth Anniversary - Behance 2020-04-Dribbble.png
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65th NTP Youth Anniversary - Behance 2020-03-Dribbble.png
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65th NTP Youth Anniversary - Behance 2020-06-Dribbble.png
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65th NTP Youth Anniversary - Behance 2020-05-Dribbble.png
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Le Dang Khoa
Work for Money, Design for Love, Addicted to Branding

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