Tedx Tbilisi 2019 - Art Direction and Graphic Design
TED is a nonprofit organization devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading.
In the the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. One of such kind local, self-organized event is Tedx Tbilisi.
I've had honor to work with Tedx Tbilisi 2019 team with my team from Digital and Media Marketing Agency - Clipart. TEDx event themes are multidisciplinary and broad.
Tedx Tbilisi 2019's theme was "Life as art". My role was to transform this theme into visual appearance and broaden its elements, shortly - the work of Art direction and its execution. I've added a subtitle - "six senses" to the event for widening its main theme.
We live and feel life with the help of our senses: touch, vision, hearing, smell, taste and also we can add the sixth senseĀintuition/third eye to the list. The sixth sense is a great addition, that unites all the others and It's a sense, that unites Ted's participants too.
To bring this concept to people, I decided to use body parts, that are connected with these senses from worldknown pieces of Art: shell in the form of an ear by Rene Magritte, God's touch by Michelangelo, etc.
Each sense has its colour according to Chakras:
ROOT CHAKRA (Muladhara)- Sense of Smell. Sensory Organ: Nose. Color: Red;
SACRAL CHAKRA (Swadisthana)-Sense of Taste. Sensory Organ: Toungue. Color: Orange;
SOLAR CHAKRA (Manipura)- Sense of Vision. Sensory Organ: Eyes. Color: Yellow;
HEART CHAKRA (Anahata )- Sense of Touch. Sensory Organ: Skin (Hands). Color: Green;
THROAT CHAKRA (Vishuddha)- Sense of Hearing. Sensory Organ: Ears. Color: Blue;
BROW CHAKRA (Ajna)- Sense of Intuition/the 6th Sense. Symbol (in our case): X. Color: Indigo;
As a main visual shape I used doodled spiral, that expresses life cycle and added words (those six senses) in different languages for clearance and an extra visual element.