DAY 16 - Build a Zoo

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Let's focus on animals today. I find it every time extremely interesting what nature can do and how animals live and behave. When I need some inspiration and new ideas there are two scenarios which works for me. Either go in nature for hike or watch nature documentaries. Especially BBC Planet Earth is inspiring. As most of us must stay home and watching a TV or Netflix would be too easy, I suggest to do some Zen activity instead (or during watching). Let's make our own Zoo (as the real ones are closed) from paper. Do you know that Japanese legend says that if you fold thousand origami cranes, you will be granted a wish by the gods. It's quite convenient time to try out, don't you think? When you get bored with cranes you can try some other animals and foliage, just check Google. And don't forget to show me what you did. See you tomorrow.
If you can, stay home. If you have to go out, wear mask, keep 2 meters distance from others. Don't touch your face, wash your hands carefully. Call your relatives and friends. Help your elder neighbours if they need to but try to avoid any contact.

#Stayhome #stayhealthy #staypositive #staysane

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