Rose Gold
The Rose Gold (玫瑰金) logo set was created for a EDM/Lofi musical artist to use on social media, merchandise and album covers. The logo is meant to portray rose gold in multiple senses and be an elegant, yet flash tattoo inspired identity.
The Rose Gold (玫瑰金) logo set was created for a EDM/Lofi musical artist to use on social media, merchandise and album covers. The logo is meant to portray rose gold in multiple senses and be an elegant, yet flash tattoo inspired identity.
The Rose Gold (玫瑰金) logo set was created for a EDM/Lofi musical artist to use on social media, merchandise and album covers. The logo is meant to portray rose gold in multiple senses and be an elegant, yet flash tattoo inspired identity.
The Rose Gold (玫瑰金) logo set was created for a EDM/Lofi musical artist to use on social media, merchandise and album covers. The logo is meant to portray rose gold in multiple senses and be an elegant, yet flash tattoo inspired identity.
The Rose Gold (玫瑰金) logo set was created for a EDM/Lofi musical artist to use on social media, merchandise and album covers. The logo is meant to portray rose gold in multiple senses and be an elegant, yet flash tattoo inspired identity.