New Site Concept

Hello again Dribbble! Back from the coding wilderness with a new shot for an upcoming personal site. Thought it was about chuffing time I started writing and sharing some code with the's the beginning...

Behind the Shot: Been playing with large image backgrounds for a likes a big image. Clean is the game, and blog layout will of course follow with some clean, tasty, type-tasticness.

Process: I love hearing other designers chat about how they work, so I thought I'd jump in. I tend to find designing for myself the toughest, so I'll usually do a few iterations of a vibe/concept. Once I've created an initial idea I then leave it for a couple of days and come back to it. Generally after that few days pause I have a gut reaction to the design and scrap it/tweak it/run with it, based on that reaction.

So...tell do you work?

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