Healthx: Small Print

Like every serious client, or competent intelligence agent, Healthx also needed a way to hand out their info at cocktail parties. Yep, we’re talking about visit cards and stationary material.

Essentially, the small print material is an extension of the same “boxy tech” arrangement you’ve seen in the previous shots, which compliments the brand typography and all the other smaller elements present throughout Healthx’s branding. Remember those sweet rectangles a few shots back? Well, that’s exactly what ended up on Healthx’s folders, visit cards, and envelopes; accompanied by an embossed tagline.

If you look closely, you’ll actually see the real contact info for Healthx, so feel free to get in touch.
Now, are you ready for some rendered artsy goodness? Healthx’s 3-D visuals are up next.

Art direction: Petar Stojakovic
Branding: Marko Ivanovic
Web design: Petar Stojakovic
3D artist & Motion: Nebojsa Jurcic
Writer: Lex Molnar

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