SNEAKIES App Rebbound
Ok, so I decided to play around with Adobe XD's new features. And I must say, the Adobe teams are doing quiet a fantastic job. I have myself a challenge to try and make a design on a single artboard, leveraging XD's cool features including state components and the various auto animation options. And my, was I impressed; XD is gradually taking over Figma as my fist choice software for UI design. I did make a lot of mistakes, some I couldn't undo to rectify as it will mean a few extra hours redesigning again, so I found some work around to those. Of course I documented my errors (in my own way) so as to make better decisions next time. It was a pretty good endeavour and boy, did I enjoy myself😊.
Everything was done on a single artboard. Just have to find ways to take advantage of component states, repeat grids, auto animation, content aware resize and a host of features available right in XD.
Granted, I could smooth up the animations and transitions in After Effects, but this is already looking really awesome.😁 (Feeling lazy already).
A big thanks to #HowardPinsky for his freebie on state components. I had to spend a while studying his file and figuring out how he managed to get those cool animations. Thank you also to #BriceSéraphin for the free Photoshop mockup. For my inspirations, big thanks to #MuratAk #AravindLittleJack #BramNijeBijvank #GodsonChibuikemJnr