Online Courses App
Hey guys, Quarantine time is perfect for broadening horizons and learning new skills, isn’t it? Check out the way we’ve visualized an app that offers a wide range of programming courses. Novice devs would definitely find it helpful! 📚 When we search for programming courses, our primary focus is on gaining new skills. To allow future devs to quickly find what they want to learn, we opted for a minimalistic style with a lot of white space. Feedback helps us improve and grow, We’re keen to hear your thoughts!
Created by Anastasia Martyan The team is available for new projects! Drop us a line: | WhatsApp Join us on: Website | Instagram | Medium | Behance | Facebook
PS We know to utilize UI/UX design to make users fall in love with a product. Check out how we used our skills to: - raise $400k as capital for startup - streamline cryptocurrency e-wallet - reboot a Real Estate startup - help newbies jump into investing - conquer the chef freelance market - simplify the life of event organizers And that's not all — you can find more case studies in our Blog! 💜