36 Days of Type - Three [03]

One of the main reasons I'm enjoying 36 Days of Type is because I've gone into it without a 'plan'. I haven't stuck with a particular style or formulated a consistent colour-scheme, instead I've enjoyed the (sometimes overwhelming) freedom to make these decisions on a daily basis, and more importantly for me, forced myself to work on techniques and styles that I wouldn't normally explore.

This year, In an effort to share more of my work and loosen up creatively, I thought I'd take part in 36 Days of Type.

Starting with zero motion design experience I'd worked through the first 26 days and learned a LOT. Now I'm on the numbers, I feel like taking a break from animation and just working on some nice (static) typography/numericals.

so, here's Three for day 30 of 36 Days of Type.

More by Mark Jay Nunn

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