Rentzania Website Ui Design work
Rentzania UI Design and Website
Want a temporary mobile phone, get it on rent. Want dress, dinner set, furniture anything or temporary use, get all these things on rent. Why so shocked? In the fast-moving world, people want to explore things but sometimes, your pocket does not keeps you comfortable.
Keeping this in mind Rentzania comes up with an idea of renting A-Z lifestyle things. Whether its gadget, clothing or anything, you can get everything on rent in one click. As the idea was unique so its online presence should also be unique and attractive. With the collar up Pix Brand took this charge and gratefully welcomed this project in the bucket. With skilled hands, Pix Brand served the Rentzania a new-age UI design with easy to use website development.
Rentazania wanted to keep its identity full of amazing artifacts & wanted it to reflect their products with engaging elements. Pix Brand helped them to reflect the USP via the attractive color scheme, engaging and stunning UI design. Its minimal artifacts give the user a soothing look and easy to understand information about the business. With the promise of "There is a lot to experience." we delivered Rentzania its approachable website design and development.