Eatsy Apps Redesign

Hello everyone! πŸ– Been a long time since my last post in 2019 πŸ˜… I would like to share my latest work during my time at Eatsy.

Eatsy is a food ordering service which provide Takeaway and Dining In as their main service. You have a deadline? Have a class? Busy at work and can't wait to wait in line? Order ahead and cut lines using Eatsy! No need to wait in line just pick up your food when it's ready πŸ˜‰

During my time at Eatsy as a Product Designer my main task is to redesign Eatsy Apps to be more attractive and having a better user experience.

Give your thoughts below. Any comment are appreciated πŸ‘‡ πŸ‘

More by Faiz Anwarrudin

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