doc the dealer unsustainable root causation

Well, it started as a regular day - aside from the fact my dad had just flatlined on the table at Vanderbilt Medical Center (whole dang hospital full of Doc the Dealers if you ask me to today) - and it has yet to end after 7 years wilderness walking.

While now in the midst of freaking pandemics epidemic overdose people problem current machine learning states we currently find our presence in.

Does anyone else find the times moree than just a bit eery. Dare I dare to say - daringly freaking Biblical.

Like Passover, like Moses, and Let my People Go type eery.

Ohh well, I'm halfway to the cuckoo's nest anyways so anyone I've had an actual conversation with these past few months has to say.

Oh yeah, my process. Attempting to visualize simply unsustainable pharma-psycho-logical-non-sense i.e: the Opioid Crisis for anyone that would like to see what simply unsustainable truly is Epidemic-Patient-Perspective | Google Sheets | html because I hate WordPress. And have a solo collective for a team.

Came out to right at $20,000 annual rate for Doc-the-Dealers pseudo-remedies. Hey, at least these past 7 years, I managed to save - well over $70,000 by finally getting off those devilish meds. My personal diagnosis was cervical radiculopathy - oh yeah - caused by the car accident 7 years back - on the way to Vanderbilt.

An elderly woman - and get this - my dumb a$$- would not try to sue being worried about the lil' ole ladies finances and getting her cut off her insurance; well - she would prematurely pull out into oncoming 65+ mph traffic causing me to T-Bone her. And immediately thereafter, hit the steel rail-way divider. Then impact #3 would be the air-bags - one of those last two would finally knock me clean out.

Creating the fold in the universe / event that would spawn itself demon-like self into - the 7 - year journey - I thought I was coming up out of.

That is until this freaking Pandemic reared it's head. Now my wilderness walk is nothing. It's dust. In all honesty.

One must-now-just take a pit-stop from attempting to champion the Opioid Crisis - attempting to take on the world's most snakely - the lobbyists and hypocrite healthcare practitioners - brainwashed or otherwise - Hippocrates would not approve - that's for certain.

And take to fighting Pandemic Crazy-Crazy by slaying the beasts of ignorance every freaking chance I come across one. And they are EVERYWHERE.

Are you too on that train to digital glory?

if so, let's chat. Boy do I have a wild-one for ya. And do i mean Wil E. Coyote kind of wiley wild.

Once again, to see the Epidemic-Patient-Perspective Visualized - please check out my Google Sheets | html at

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And if not too terribly busy, let me know what you think.


The Wind
(I may actually try and change my name to The Wind - think they'll let me?)

Hell - they're letting Tom, Dick, and Harry get married at the Courthouse - because it seems - marriages and guns - are going to save us from pandemics - over good ole fashion self-imposed quarantines. America - God I sometimes truly love to hate Once Great Nation where I was once Proud to claim my American Pride. Back when I was like 12 and the whole of it consisted of being a tomahawk chopping (stereotyped to death) Atlanta Braves fanatic. That is.)

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