DAY 8 - Go Upside Down
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Everything is bit upside down right now, don't you think? Stay home, work from home, cover you face, wear gloves. School are closed, shops and restaurants too. Most things are happening solely online - watching movies, ordering food, learning and working. We are quite lucky we have this second - "upside down" world called internet.
You know what? Go really crazy today, go upside down too. Stay sane by doing insane.
Enjoy the 1st of April.
Pro tip n°1 - use stretchy pants, especially if you have broad shoulders.
Pro tip n°2 - try this after all today's Skype meetings.
*If you can, stay home. If you have to go out, wear mask, keep 2 meters distance from others.
Don't touch your face, wash your hands carefully. Call your relatives and friends.
Help your elder neighbours if they need to but try to avoid any contact.
#Stayhome #stayhealthy #staypositive #staysane