Oil Painting Photoshop Action
Download the Oil Painting action here: https://1.envato.market/31Xxn
Link to all photo effect actions here: https://1.envato.market/dvor3
Transform your photo to oil painting using just a single click! The action works so you simply open your photo and just run the action. Creating this advanced oil painting Photoshop effect has never been this quick and easy.
The action will do all the work for you, leaving you fully layered and customizable results that you can further modify. The action will also create 40 preset color looks that you can choose from.
- The action does NOT require the ‘Oil Paint’ filter.
- Simple and easy to use – even for complete beginners.
- Saves hours and days of work.
- Fully layered and customizable results – every element is a single layer.
- Lot of options for customizing the results.
- 40 preset color looks included.
- Video tutorial included.