Healthx Symbol

Healthx – making better health a reality

This startup from London is on a mission to help patients and health organizations all over the world by integrating new technology into health systems that haven’t been updated in decades.

We found our groove with Healthx right from the get-go. And what a groove it was: a small pitch deck, a vision, complete creative freedom and confidence from a client. Man, we dove head-first into discovery and didn’t stop working ‘till we had the last pixel perfectly polished. If you’ve ever wondered what you need to get a unique visual identity and a find the best way forward, that’s it. Also: skill.

Here, we’ve covered the logotype, as well as its backstory.

The backstory is something we take very seriously here at the studio, because we use it as a map that guides the project to its natural conclusion and its final form. In other words, it keeps us on track to deliver what the client wants, just the way they want it, on time.

Anyway, feel free to poke around and acquaint yourselves with Healthx’s values. Oh, and don’t forget the turtle.

What turtle? – Well, take a look at the attachments and find out. We call him Todd.

We’ll be following up on this with the full logo and core brand elements, so don’t go too far – like, you know, outside.

Art direction: Petar Stojakovic
Branding: Marko Ivanovic
Web design: Petar Stojakovic
3D artis & Motion: Nebojsa Jurcic
Writer: Lex Molnar

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Design — Studio Available for new projects 🌞
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