Make The Switch

Last years inktober challenge began with “Ring” as the first prompt. I’ve never participated with the previous editions but decided to have a go anyway.
After a quick visual brainstorm I decided to go with the idea of a telephone call, but didn’t want to portray the digital age we live in. Instead, I went looking for more vintage options and came across a series of images of women sitting infront of these huge confusing contraptions covered with intricate wiring aka Telephone Switchboards.

The switchboard was an essential component of a manual telephone exchange, and was operated by switchboard operators who used electrical cords or switches to establish the connections. Now it’s just a push of a button and we hear a voice almost instantly.
The idea of someone physically connecting you to another person by plugging in a wire seems like something from the Middle Ages, although it’s just been about 50 years.
Besides the technical aspect I was also intrigued visually by the machine. The repetitive aspect of multiple jacks just waiting to be inserted in one of what seems like endless holes was just mesmerising.
It took me about 6 tries to get the sketch right but I’m super stoked about how it turned out. The repetitiveness of it all and especially of the way I chose to color it in, using dots and lines after lines had an very hypnotic and calming effect on my mind. I could feel a certain sense of peace come over me, and I loved every moment of it. In a time where not being constantly connected feels like a sin, I had found my salvation in doing exactly the opposite.

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