DAY 4 - The floor is lava

It is weekend, go crazy!
Let's make your posture practice bit harder.
When you stand up from your table, with toilet paper on your head, of course ;) (Day 3) going to read to your plants (Day 2) or write your journal (Day 1) or just going anywhere else don't forget that the floor is lava!!! I am sure you know this game, but just in case, let's see what Wiki says:
"The floor is lava is a game in which players pretend that the floor or ground is made of lava (or any other lethal substance, such as acid or quicksand), and thus must avoid touching the ground, as touching the ground would "kill" the player who did so.
The players stay off the floor by standing on furniture or the room's architecture.
The players generally may not remain still, and are required to move from one piece of furniture to the next.
This is due to some people saying that the furniture is acidic.
The game can be played with a group or alone for self amusement."
It's Friday, so let's self-amuse.
If I can give a piece of advice, I would secure a safe path from your table to the kitchen and bathroom at least.
Enjoy and let me know how did it go. And please don't hurt ourselves when jumping from chair to the chopping board.
If you can, stay home. If you have to go out, wear mask, keep 2 meters distance from others.
Don't touch your face, wash your hands carefully. Call your relatives and friends.
Help your elder neighbours if they need to but try to avoid any contact.

#Stayhome #stayhealthy #staypositive #staysane

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