Elephant Art Website

M.I. Design was brought into the digital team (UX, UI and Build) at Elephant magazine to look at the UI design of this new site. The printed magazine had recently been rebranded and the site needed to reflect this style but have a flexible, module structure to allow lots of visual, daily content to be uploaded by the editorial team. The site also needed to attract advertising within the art community and sell subscriptions.

Prior to starting the UI of the site, I became fully immersed and involved with the research and UX work done by Georgia Sugarman, which included an extensive competitor review, creation of different ‘personas’ to map out user journeys, iterative sketching of wire-frames, a review of the entire site architecture, a card sorting exercise with the editorial team to finalise the taxonomy of the site etc.

Combining UX and UI, we created clickable high-fidelity prototypes in order to test the site with current and future content - allowing for video, imagery, and lots of editorial copy in different areas of the site. We ensured that type was accessible and digestible on mobile and desktop and that the site was visually engaging. Final UI files were provided in Sketch for the build team who we worked with to ensure the best translation of design to functioning site.

Following a 90 day sample pre and post launch,

Users - 53K (up 67.1%)
Revenue - £8.7K (up 41.1%)
Sessions - 73K (up 59.3%)

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