Elevator Panels

These are the elevator button panels I designed for the Downes Garage in Lowell, MA. Mid-size city garages are often under-design and overlooked, so this was a fun project to work on with the previous Parking Director.

The elevator banks are where many visitors are funneled through coming to and from the city, so, we focused effort on this visitor path. The Downes garage has very unique lines and industrial design we wanted to integrate.

The sign embraces these lines. Centering the current floor doubles as a “You Are Here” indicator. The hole is shifted for each floor, so the legend would shift up or down based on where you are in the facility without affecting usability. It also makes the actual button control have more context as the buttons roughly align with the next floor when possible.

Each door also has a vinyl wrap applied with the floor number, icon, and descriptive text. This adds visual interest and gives people something to interact with while they wait for the next elevator.

The Roy Garage (the other beta facility) has older less appealing doors. Rather than just re-use the same wrap as the Downes, we reversed it put some space around the artwork and make it look more purposeful.

Mark VDH
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