Weekly Warmup Faith Over Fear

I wanted to write down a few words of encouragement for my reference. Coincidently, this week's Dribbble Weekly Warmup challenge is also about designing a message of hope for your friends, community, & neighbors as well, so I thought this couldn't have come at a better time.

When the outbreak first started, I tracked the news and observed as the number of confirmed cases kept increasing in China and the first wave of panic buying happened. It is so easy to be consumed by the news when all I watched was a different version of the same news from different news outlets, and I let not just the news, but also fear, consumed me.

The truth is that these are the external circumstances that I can't control, and how I respond to matters. We can choose to respond in faith, or react in fear. If we choose the latter, fear and anxiety could swallow up solutions that we could've have thought of in the first place, which could very well be the key to unlock the crisis. Plus, anxiety doesn't help to empty tomorrow's sorrow, but today's strength.

There is a solution to every problem. We can be calm and strategize; We can consider the needs of the greater community at large before our own by exercising social responsibility to prevent further community spread; We can be kind and help one another; We can open our hearts to people shut out of their countries. Clean hands, pure heart—form good thoughts, speak good words, do good things. Our challenges don’t define us. Our actions do. As Trevor Noah put it, "In times like this, we all need to pull together and help out however we can, because it's gonna be a ride, and the only way we can make this journey a little more tolerable is if we travel on it together."

Press L to show some love. Your comments and feedback are welcomed and appreciated! :)

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