We Persisted Women’s Suffrage Exhibition

We Persisted Women’s Suffrage Exhibition

I’m proud to create a piece celebrating the 100th year of women winning the right to vote. It was a competitive commission for the Ramsey County Historical Society. This work will travel to various venues during the coming year and will become a part of the Ramsey County Historical Society’s permanent collection. I chose Maybeth Hurd Paige to create a portrait.

Most of the images I find of Mabeth Hurd Paige depict her as an older woman. I wanted to portray her younger. With a little research, I found much of Macbeth’s work and efforts to be relevant today, almost as if taken from a current blog or tweet. This is from The ‘governor’s Ineracial Commission - June 1949.

“World peace is dependent on the cooperation of many people representing a variety of cultures, races, and religions. This cooperation cannot be achieved at a four-power conference or at a meeting of the United Nations unless it is working in the smaller communities. What chance is there for world cooperation if we here in Minnesota cannot work together?”

The 100th anniversary is a chance to look back and recognize the contribution. Still, in Macbeth’s case, it’s also an opportunity to get inspired and renewed as we struggle to achieve equality today.

More by Daniel Brevick

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