Air New Zealand London Welcome Kit.
Air New Zealand London Welcome Kit. The creative rationale was to develop a welcome kit that could explain the perils and pitfalls of living in London to newly-arrived Air New Zealand staff. The differences in language between the UK and NZ were exploited using tongue-in-cheek humour and illustration.
Air New Zealand London Welcome Kit. The creative rationale was to develop a welcome kit that could explain the perils and pitfalls of living in London to newly-arrived Air New Zealand staff. The differences in language between the UK and NZ were exploited using tongue-in-cheek humour and illustration.
Air New Zealand London Welcome Kit. The creative rationale was to develop a welcome kit that could explain the perils and pitfalls of living in London to newly-arrived Air New Zealand staff. The differences in language between the UK and NZ were exploited using tongue-in-cheek humour and illustration.
Air New Zealand London Welcome Kit. The creative rationale was to develop a welcome kit that could explain the perils and pitfalls of living in London to newly-arrived Air New Zealand staff. The differences in language between the UK and NZ were exploited using tongue-in-cheek humour and illustration.
Air New Zealand London Welcome Kit. The creative rationale was to develop a welcome kit that could explain the perils and pitfalls of living in London to newly-arrived Air New Zealand staff. The differences in language between the UK and NZ were exploited using tongue-in-cheek humour and illustration.
Air New Zealand London Welcome Kit. The creative rationale was to develop a welcome kit that could explain the perils and pitfalls of living in London to newly-arrived Air New Zealand staff. The differences in language between the UK and NZ were exploited using tongue-in-cheek humour and illustration.
Air New Zealand London Welcome Kit. The creative rationale was to develop a welcome kit that could explain the perils and pitfalls of living in London to newly-arrived Air New Zealand staff. The differences in language between the UK and NZ were exploited using tongue-in-cheek humour and illustration.
Air New Zealand London Welcome Kit. The creative rationale was to develop a welcome kit that could explain the perils and pitfalls of living in London to newly-arrived Air New Zealand staff. The differences in language between the UK and NZ were exploited using tongue-in-cheek humour and illustration.