Iifft Logo Concept

This logo is part of a rebranding concept for International Indian Film Festival of Toronto. Their current logo can be viewed at http://www.iifft.ca/.

Challenges/Solutions: One thing we noticed right off the bat was that the full name was a bit long to remember so we knew right away that we had to put a heavy focus on the acronym so the reader can naturally arrive at the name. Another obstacle was to have the mark reference or resemble a part of India's rich history/culture. After various sketches we figured out that we can form a shape of an Indian elephant from the last three letters of the acronym. The entire font is custom with the exception of word "TORONTO"

Important to note that this mark isn't final and is in its development stages. The colours are also not final but we chose orange to submit because of the Indian flag as well as the fact that their organization is in partnership with TIFF.


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