How to Supercharge Interactive Prototype Workflow

A plethora of interaction design tools overwhelm the designer’s workflow and could be troublesome for the tech team as well. Designer trapped by the ease of availability of making an interactive prototype and often unconsciously ignore the fundamental Principle of interaction design. A designer usually ends up designing interaction which could be needless, impractical and inefficient.

“Design is a really loaded word. I don’t know what it means. So we don’t talk a lot about design around here, we just talk about how things work. Most people think it’s about how they look, but it’s about how they work” — Steve Jobs

Rapid prototype plays a vital role to understand how things work. But many of them never see the light of the day because of the lack of cross-functional perspective. A designer can not convince the idea to a tech team unless it has a realistic approach to implement it.

We rarely see the beautiful interactive application. It was challenging and time taking to design one until the launch of Airbnb’s Lottie Framework. Seamless integration with iOS, Android, Web & React Native changed the way we experience interaction.

We found the missing perspective. Keeping the Lottie Framework as constraint while designing animation would undoubtedly help to focus on the future scope of a project.

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