Zaha Hadid Redesign Concept
ABOUT ZAHA HADID Zaha Hadid is one of the world’s most consistently inventive architectural studios and has been for four decades.
Receiving the highest honors from civic, professional and academic institutions worldwide. 950 projects and won hundreds of awards.
This's just personal project, I'm not associated to Zaha Hadid in any ways
GOAL To show how great Zaha Hadid through their work and the enormous award they achieved
CONTENT As the goal to show how great Zaha Hadid through their work and the enormous award they achieved. The homepage should ; Tell who is Zaha Hadid Show their power ; The project & Awards
So, the content will be like this 1. Who is Zaha Hadid 2. Projects 3. Awards 4. Contact 5. Basic Information
More by Imron Rosyadi Asmurih View profile