Quench Sea Landing Page Animation

Hi there,

I hope you're all doing well. Here you can see some liquid water animation i've made for QuenchSea by .Hydro Wind Energy

Portable, Low Cost, Durable, Easy to use Handheld Seawater Desalination Device.

'Access to clean fresh drinking water following a disaster is critical to health and survival. Current relief response measures often rely on transporting massive quantities of bottled water into the affected population or distributing water purification devices or tablets that don’t have the ability torid water of salt. There is an urgent need for a device that can desalinate seawater into fresh drinking water and can be deployed quickly and at low cost in times of crisis. No such product exists on the marketplace today.'


Website design by: @Dianauxui


Open for freelance work, any inquiries direct to: mattsielezin@gmail.com

Thank you!

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