Daphne Caruana Galizia series of limited prints

This is the story of a project I truly care about. A few weeks ago I started reading a book that had been on my shelf for a long time, 'Di la verità anche se la tua voce trema' by Daphne Caruana Galizia and the more I was reading the book the more I discovered how brave she was not only as a journalist but also as a woman. ⁠
I felt deeply moved by her brave, I couldn't stop asking myself if I would be able to do the same...

And I couldn't stop thinking about how I could dedicate this day to such an inspirational woman.⁠

That's why I decided to do something to raise money for her foundation and to remind myself and others to be brave and like she said to 'rather be hungry and free than well-fed and oppressed!' ⁠

these A6 prints are available in 4 colors, ⁠
each will be given after a contribution of 5 EURO ⁠

which will be entirely donated to the Daphne Caruana Galizia foundation.⁠

more info here:

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