Allsec HRMS - People structure
Allsec HRMS- People structure.
The design requirement:
Anyone in the company should be able to search and view the details of any other employee (The details exposed should be based on their hierarchy), understand the organisation structure.
A specific use case: A project manager might require a shared resource that he could hire from a different project within the same company. He needs to pick a person with the required skills and experience and talk to his manager to hire him as a shared resource.
The solution:
A people structure with names of people listed in a tree view. Clicking on any name will show an expanded view with the details of person in selection, his reporting manager ,his direct reports if any and also his peers.(with less emphasis). Each card consists of a person’s quick details and a link to view more details.
There is also an organisation structure that shows all the departments, verticals, sub verticals, brands etc.
This design can be extended with more features like moving people within brands.