Stop Motion animation effect using after effects
Organic animation in after effects:
To make an animation look more organic:
- "Alt" + click the 'stop watch'
- Type: wiggle(4,20);
- [The 1st value is the amount of times it wiggles per second; the 2nd value is the maximum number of pixels it's going to move away from the current value of the property]
To only apply the wiggle while the object is in motion
- Add a "Slider control" effect from the 'Expression controls' effect option
- Rename the "Slider control": Wiggles per second
- Duplicate the effect and rename the copy: Wiggle amount
- On the expression: drop the current expression 2 lines
- Type on the 1st line: var freq = *Click and drag the expression pick whip to the Wiggles per second slider* *Finish the line with a ;*
- Type on 2nd line: var amp = *Click and drag the expression pick whip to the Wiggle amount slider* *Finish the line with a ;*
- Change the values of the wiggle in the expression from: 4 - "freq" ... 20 - "amp"
- Now you can animate the sliders to control the wiggle effect