Coronavirus COVID-19

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Because 🐶 are "man's best friend"
What other things should be avoided?

What we know:

1. Wash your hands frequently & sanitize frequently
2. Maintain social distancing
3. Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth
4. Practice respiratory hygiene
5. If you have fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical care early

What no one is thinking:

1. Changing clothes in malls
The person infected with coronavirus could infect the cloths in the trial room which could pass on to others who try it on.

2. Ordering clothes online
About 30% of all fashion products ordered online are returned for various reasons according to an article on economic times. “Human coronaviruses can remain infectious on inanimate surfaces at room temperature for up to 9 days.

3. Ordering food online
Avoid outside food or online food as much as you can. Have home-made food, vegetables, and fruits. “Being sick with a cold or flu virus is a good excuse to get out of cooking duty, certainly when you still have symptoms. “There is a risk of disease transmission while preparing meals for others since respiratory droplets can fall on food,”.