
Hey guys! You may have noticed I'm not very active on dribbble lately; back in the summer months I was posting new shots 2 or even 3 times every month. Nowadays I'm lucky if I can post one [and it's often touchups of stuff I made back during the summer, anyway].

The reason for this is that I'm still a full-time student. I've got a bunch of really hard classes that eat up most of my motivation and focus, so my design often gets neglected. The few new icons I do make during the winter and spring are usually client works, and I rarely show those off [Although, psst, I've got some really gorgeous client work coming soon]...

Now, there's some good news! In three weeks, my classes will have calmed down a lot, since my exams will be over. In a month or two, I'll be working on client stuff again–there are quite a few awesome projects that have been shelved in these past few months. I'll post on dribbble more often, update my website more often [I think some more instructional blog posts are in order...], and be more of a "real designer" and less of a sleepy student.

So, yeah. There's where I am. Thanks for sticking with me and supporting me and liking my silly stuff [this one's a lollipop or somethin].

Love you guys, and I can't wait to share some more <3

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