Motion pictures and love of dithering

I was happy to make these pictures for the video installation of the art museum. 50 painted pictures were mapped on the walls inside the building. I was inspired by artworks and wanted to share some of them here, but there was one thing missed - the web page isn't a real wall, streaming video isn't projector's flickering light, the atmosphere was lost... Anyway, I started to create and my feelings drove me by the short but crooked path to the place, where the lost part was - to the Photoshop's Save For Web screen. I pressed a lovely combination of Alt+Ctrl+Shift+S and started to decrease colors and stopped at 8 colors (all of you know, that GIFs for Dribbble must be less than 10mb), this adjusted the digital noise and decreased the saturation of the pictures. I clicked on the "play forever" button and watched and enjoyed by a new digital atmosphere, which appears with the compression artifacts, painted classical art with digital shades. I have attached source videos as well, so you can see the difference. I do not urge to kill the quality of all web animations, but there is something in it, isn't it?

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