Public Logo Animation

Public – a whole new way to invest.

There are three things that always sneak up on you in this life: death, the IRS, and commissions. Unless you invest in stocks with Public. You won’t live forever, but at least you won’t pay any commissions on your investments. I know – I didn’t believe it either.

Public approached us with some visual content work and the challenge of animating their existing logo. I say challenge, because while we were figuring it out, we nearly ended up reanimating our animator – which was ironic.

You see, the problem that this particular task posed was in its simplicity: the symbol was a flat stamp, with no particular details that could convey the animation and its visual narrative.

Nevertheless, a few dozen iterations later (some of them attached), we ended up with the logo reveal you see here. The idea behind this solution is that the typography and symbol needed to balance each other out, in a way that would cross over 2D and 3D space. In other words, we flipped out trying to solve this challenge, so we decided to return the favor.

Once we’ve served our time in the Flatlands of Logo, we journeyed onward into 3-D Land, and made some visuals – up next

Motion: Milos Subotic
Art direction: Petar Stojakovic
Writer: Lex Molnar

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