Redesigning Tailwind UI 404 Page

How to design a simple 404 page?

In this post, I am going to walk you through what are the design improvements we can make for the current 404 page for TailWind UI. I don't want to just redesign the UI. I want to understand what are the common problems that 404 pages are facing, and upon reading some materials, I found out these:

Common problems of 404 pages
- No explanation on what the error code is
- No resolve action
- Missed opportunity for branding & UX

Design Goals
- Explain the error in plain language
- Provide actionable steps to remedy the situation
- Make a custom error page that can win your customer's head and heart

Design Iterations
Learnings from Adam Wathan's tweet–rather than planning: Do, execute, and iterate along the way.

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