A World of Fire and Ice
This was created in collaboration with my boyfriend who wrote a short story about a fantasy world. Here's a snippet, hope you like it:
"In the beginning and for ages unmeasured, there was balance upon the world.
The age-old struggle between Fire and Ice, ancient before even times great wheel began to turn, assured this balance.
At the heart of this cosmic contest lies the core of all existence.
For it is at its heart, like any great and terrible storm, there is harmony to be found, harmony and life!
The Father of the Fire and the Mother of the Ice, living embodiments of the two universal governing forces, progenitors and Gods to all that dwell upon the world.
As they waltz and war their way through time, the seasons of the world are pulled along in their great wake.
For life is a cycle and change is it's charge, even if you end up right back where you start..."