LINE Messenger Timeline Redesign

As an active LINE user my self, it often irritating for me to check the comment section of any public post (especially the one which looks controversial) being it made by a user or a fan page account on a LINE Timeline.

Not only because it has bad UX (1. can't sort comment, 2. 'tap to reply' which often lead to miss click and then it reloads the comment section that we've been scrolling to seek for the top comment for the past 30 minutes), but also, based on my observation & opinion, this bad UX leads to bad user behavior on the comment section.

By default, LINE will show the latest comment and most of the time the latest comment group isn't relevant to the post. Why? Because a discussion has been triggered and the later comments are replying to the older comment. As a user who just arrived at the comment section after reading the post, we had no context about the discussion, we need to dig the comment section to know the context (if you're curious enough).

In the worst case, people are just swearing in the comment section.


Because of this frustration, as a designer, I try to give a solution by redesigning the LINE Timeline (especially comment section) feature. What I try to do is give users the option to sort the comment section (best, new, old) and create a threaded/caged comment system to make the discussion stay relevant.

I think the purpose of the comment section is for discussion after all. Well, users have the right to write anything that they wanted. But it's our job to prevent the worst case.

Try the prototype here

More by Yahya Ayyash

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