Talabat Redesign Concept

Goals for redesigning this application - 1. To facilitate a more engaging and seamless experience when it comes to commuting. 2. To design a more personable and intuitive user interface. 3. To design through user empathy (HCD).

Goals for my own personal development - 1. Complete my first design project from start to finish while sticking to my design principles.

Pain Points - 1. Inconsistency in design. 2. Reachablity issues. 3. Complicated Design.

Problem #1 - Inconsistency in design Usability and learnability improve when similar elements have consistent look and function in similar way. When consistency is present in design, people can transfer knowledge to new contexts and learn new things quickly without pain. This way they can focus on executing the task and not learning how the product UI works every time they switch the context.

We humans like consistency by default, our physical bodies constantly strive for consistent balance, so we can be healthy. We need to feel that things are consistent to feel secure and safe.

Solution - Explored the whole user interface and fixed the areas where the design seemed Inconsistence.

Problem #2 - Reachablity issues According to the study, 49% of people are using their smartphone with their One-hand. When the user is using the application with one hand, it’s really difficult to reach the top area. When we are holding our smartphones we have ability to operate only with a thumb. Human thumbs can’t be stretched to reach middle to top screen areas due to physical limitations. So user experience should be based around this.

Solution - Removed the hamburger menu and replaced it with a taskbar that consist of all the options resided in the hamburger menu.

Problem #4 - Complicated design I faced a few problem with what I wanted to use in the application, either it was difficult to use or I was unable to find it.

Solution - After looking into all the options that were placed in the incorrect places or in an unorganised manner, I moved them and organised them into the right places.

Reflecting on the work I’ve done here - Going into this project, I knew this would be the perfect opportunity for me to hone my design skills. So I figured the best way for me to learn would be to just throw myself into a project and go from there.

Looking back now, that is a complete understatement. Within the month, I was able to learn all the things I set out to learn in order to deliver this project and so much more.

I think one of the best things about the learning and creation process is that you come to curate your own. You learn what works, and what doesn’t. You learn how to do things faster, better, and more efficiently. You learn random things along the way while trying to learn about the thing you actually set out to learn.

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