Adium Concept
Hi guys,
I'm happy to introduce, our (me and @Oskar Krawczyk) Adium concept. I have prepared a presentation in Adobe Edge Animate - it was a lot of fun to learn how to use the application. Hope you like the result!
LINK: Just click anywhere to go.
Here is a short list of features included in slides: - Images, Videos screenshots in the chat window - Emoticons & Emotsounds - Buddy list on system status bar - Active input - Pin important message - Video player in new window (Sometimes is good to comment what's playing) - Send files via dropbox (Similar to Sparrow)
Most of the screens are self-explanatory. One thing that might need some introduction is the Active Input, this is basically something like Fantastical has - an intelligent input that figures out the stuff you're trying to do, like:
- chat Robet - chat Robet and Luke - message Robert - yesterdays chat with Robert - Robert history from yesterday - status away - add to Friends - and many many more
ps. watch it in full-screen ;)
Thanks, Dawid