I remember what you did for us 1/3

I remember you when I’m feeling rubbish, tired and ready to throw this stuff away.
I remember that time I came home from school and saw you crying. You’d only done that once before when you heard about Grandad passing away. I mean I’d only seen you do that once before. It was the start of a difficult time. No work. It went on for ages didn’t it? I never heard you complain. Or blame anyone else. Oh well apart from that time you swore your head off about effing Thatcher. Yeh, she’s got a lot to answer for hasn’t she?

Things really shifted. At one point I overheard mum crying, I didn’t know then what ‘in the red’ meant. Others thought you might lose the house. But you didn’t. Nana and Grandad were amazing. So was auntie Jo. But you… you were unbelievable. The weight of what you went through only hit me after I moved out. It still hits me now, more so as I get older. You applied for so many jobs. Did you stop counting after it got to 800?

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