Daily UI #002 | Credit Card Checkout (Nike - Concept)
This is a simple checkout flow for purchasing some items from Nike.
Goal: Making it as easy and secure as possible to enter in Credit Card to pay for product, so people will feel comfortable and motivated to pay
Hypothesis: By adding a Credit Card checkout screen, it will allow users to easily pay for the products they want to purchase.
Metrics: Conversion Rate of people who paid for the product compared to those who filled their cart, entered in their shipping information.
Requirements: - Have to be able to pay for the product - Must be able to use credit card - Has to be and feel secure (use HTTPS) - Has to be intuitive - Must be able to pay with Gift Cards
Plus: - Pay through other 3rd parties like Paypal, ApplePay, AmazonPay, GooglePay, etc. - Show the products they are buying (and in a cool way to get them extra excited to buy!) - Take picture of credit card to populate fields (better on mobile) - Show previous used cards - Take advantage of browser credit card memory - Use place holder text
Credit Card Requirements: - Name on card - Card number - Expiration Date (mm/yy or mm/yyyy) - Security Code (also known as CVC on some cards) - Optional - Zip Code - Adds less risk with the credit card companies